Logistics Occupier Market in 2024 in Europe: The lack of new developments remains supportive of rental growth in prime sectors
Logistics letting markets have generally held up well despite weak economic growth which is expected to remain positive in 2024. Indeed, GDP growth started to pick up in the Euro area at the beginning of the year from +0.5% in 2023 to +0.8 % forecast in 2024.
Fewer new office projects, but occupier activity continues at a steady pace in regional cities in late Q4 2023
Most companies have downsized their offices by around 20-30% over the last two to three years compared to pre-pandemic office lease sizes as many have embraced hybrid working patterns.
Low new supply on the Warsaw office market amid heightened occupier activity
At the end of last year, Warsaw’s total office stock stood at 6.2 million sqm, of which just 61,000 sqm was delivered in 2023 - the lowest annual figure for new supply in the last five years and well below the five-year average of around 220,000 sqm.
Rynek powierzchni przemysłowo-logistycznych w Polsce w III kwartale 2023 roku
Pomimo wzrostu czynszów na przestrzeni ostatnich miesięcy, polski rynek powierzchni przemysłowo-logistycznych wciąż pozostaje atrakcyjnym miejscem dla najemców oraz inwestorów.
The transaction volume results for the third quarter of 2023 elicit optimism for a resurgence in growth, yet it is too soon to celebrate
Despite the ascent in capitalization rates and prevailing global uncertainties, investors have executed agreements exceeding 741 million euros—a figure surpassing fourfold that of the preceding quarter in 2023.